These Terms of Service (referred to as the “Terms”) regulate your usage of DiscountSaverPalace, LLC’s websites, software applications, and other online services (collectively, the “Services”). By accessing and utilizing these Services, you consent to adhere to these Terms, which incorporate our Privacy Policy. These Terms establish a legally binding agreement between you and DiscountSaverPalace.

Key aspects of these Terms include provisions limiting our liability, requiring individual dispute resolution via arbitration, and specifying our ability to amend these Terms by posting updates. It is advisable to periodically review the posted Terms to stay informed.

The Services encompass various offers, such as coupons and deals, provided by third-party sellers. Transactions resulting from accepting these offers are solely between you and the seller. DiscountSaverPalace may receive compensation for promoted items, and although affiliations exist with certain sellers, DiscountSaverPalace is not responsible for your interactions with sellers or the fulfillment of offers.

User-generated content (referred to as User Content) may be submitted on the Services. By posting such content, you assert ownership and compliance with applicable laws. While you retain rights to User Content, you grant DiscountSaverPalace a broad license to utilize, display, and distribute it.

Responsible use of Services is dictated by community standards, including age compliance, adherence to applicable laws and third-party agreements, and truthful provision of information. Violating these standards may lead to account suspension or termination.

Intellectual property rights apply to both user and DiscountSaverPalace content. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of content is prohibited. DiscountSaverPalace’s trademarks, logos, and designs cannot be utilized without explicit permission.

Indemnification necessitates you to defend DiscountSaverPalace against liabilities arising from your usage of Services or User Content. Disclaimers emphasize that DiscountSaverPalace is not party to seller transactions and does not guarantee offer accuracy. Services are provided “as is,” without warranties.

Limitation of liability sets a cap on damages for claims related to the Terms or Services. The governing law designates California law to govern disputes, with arbitration as the preferred dispute resolution method.

Miscellaneous provisions address communication methods, compliance with laws, assignment of rights, and the exclusivity of the entire agreement. These Terms may undergo periodic updates, and users are encouraged to review them regularly. Additional consumer rights information is provided for California residents.

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